Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Getting used to things here.....

Moving to a big city, especially New York City, is so exciting and thrilling!! Things are always so busy here and even in the early hours of the morning there is still so much going on. It has definitely been quite a change from Provo, but we are taking it into stride quite well I think.
On Monday we just returned from our honeymoon in DC where we spent most of the time walking from place to place, but loved every minute of it! It was especially nice for us since we have been running around like mad since we have gotten married. It gave us the time to sit down and really enjoy each other before coming back to the city and trying to get ready for things, such as shopping for groceries, looking for a job, and of course school for Fred. While we were in DC we went to the Spy Museum, Ford Theater, Washington Monument, and the Lincoln Memorial. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but only having 2 full days there I think we did quite well!
When we got back from DC we tried our hand at grocery shopping. It wasn't bad until you realize how expensive things are here! I always hoped people were exaggerating a bit when they talked about the price of food, but as we soon found out no exaggeration happened. Once we finished we had to carry all of our groceries about 5 city blocks back to our place. Not too far which is so nice!
Today we tackled Target to get some needed essentials and I have found that as much as I love shopping there it is quite the journey to get there! It's about a 30 minute ride on the subway and then another 5-10 minute walk before you are in the store. We brought a huge suitcase with us since there was no way we could carry all the stuff we needed back with us. It was actually really nice and convenient to have it there! We packed almost everything away and then just rolled everything back with us.
We are loving everything about the city, but I think, at least for me, it is going to still take time to get adjusted too. Being so far from home and in a giant city is still something so new and unfamiliar to me. I am dealing with things well so far, but that is definitely due large in part to having Fred around all the time. I think once he starts school I will be pretty diligent in finding a job so I can have something to keep me busy as well.
Well that is about it from our end! We are both loving the married life more than anything and enjoying our new life together!

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